The news coming from Israel is gut-wrenching. Reports of mass murder, kidnappings, women being rapped, and ongoing hostage situations continue to shock us. Graphic videos flood the internet with atrocities we can’t even imagine.
Then, we find out that forty babies were murdered, some even being decapitated. Soldiers found forty small bodies that had been killed in cold blood…an image they won’t soon forget. It’s hard to imagine such savagery, such hate being shown to someone so small, helpless, and innocent.
Our hearts break when we hear the barbarianism of butchering babies. We are rightfully outraged at the death of forty precious lives.
But, how can abortion advocates condemn such behavior while at the same time trying to legalize it in our country? How can they call terrorism what they also call a woman’s right?
Are We Barbarians?
In the United States, 63 million babies have been legally aborted since 1973. Even now, many states are pushing for more abortion rights, some even through the third trimester. Many of the same people advocating for the right to kill a baby in our country call it barbaric and evil when terrorist do it.
Is it less appalling because we do it in a hospital room? Is it morally acceptable if the mother approves? It’s somehow less barbaric because the child is still in her mother’s womb? If Hamas said they were providing “healthcare,” would you believe their lies?
We are right to be outraged by the death of those forty precious babies, but shouldn’t we be just as outraged at the savagery in our country?
God sees every act of evil against those who bear his image. Everyone who advocates for abortion will be held accountable. Every politician who’s fought for abortion rights will be held accountable. Every leader or influencer who has called it healthcare or women’s rights will be held accountable. I don’t think history will look back kindly on those who have argued for such barbarianism.
We’ve killed 63,000,000 babies.