They were reclining at the table when they were hit with the shocking news. On the last night with his disciples, Jesus revealed the terrible truth: “One of you will betray me, one who is eating with me” (Mark 14:18). With raised brows and shrugged shoulders, the disciples looked around at each other confused. Who…
Category: Christian Living
Doing the Impossible: Foster Care and the Church
I tiptoed into my room so I wouldn’t wake him. Laying on a mattress wrapped in his red ‘blankey’ was a napping three-year-old little boy. While typically an explosion of energy, loudly bouncing around from one toy to the next, he lay there asleep and looked so peaceful. We had received a call from CPS a…
Battling Discouragement
We all battle discouragement throughout our life. It might come about because of a situation we are dealing with or something we see on the news. Sometimes it cannot even be explained, we just wake up one morning and feel discouraged. When it comes, it hits us like a wave and floods our soul with…
When It’s Hard to Forgive
“Christians are the most forgiven people in the world. Therefore, we should be the most forgiving people in the world.” While we know that should be true, it isn’t always the case. I know I’m supposed to forgive, but sometimes I just don’t want to. Sometimes it seems too hard to actually forgive…at least, to…
Do You Love Your Friends Enough to Hurt Them?
Most of us know the popular slogan “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” It’s a simple phrase that’s been around since the early 80s. With just a few words, the phrase carries much meaning. The subject, “friends,” shows that we’re talking about people who care. What do these friends do? They don’t let their friends…
Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
In moments of extreme difficulty or longing desperation, people in Scripture often turned to prayer and fasting. Consider David fasting for his sick child (2 Samuel 12:14-16), the people of Nineveh fasting at word of their coming judgment (Jonah 3), Jesus fasting before beginning his earthly ministry (Matt. 4), or one of the many other…
Spiritual Disciplines: Stewardship
He wasn’t sure what he should do, so he buried the money. His master had left town, and instead of getting that time off, he was given a talent and expected to invest it well. He had plenty of ideas, but they were all so risky. His master was a harsh man, even immoral, and…
Spiritual Disciplines: Serving
It wouldn’t be much longer until his death. The disciples were gathered together for supper with Jesus. As they were eating, Jesus got up, took off his outer garments, and filled a basin with water. The disciples sat and watched as the Son of God himself knelt down. The eternal Christ, worthy of all praise…
Spiritual Disciplines: Evangelism
After speaking of the wonderful privilege we have in being able to know and fellowship with Almighty God, Martyn Lloyd-Jones states, “A man who knows anything about this intimate fellowship with God cannot stop speaking about it.” It’s natural for us to share with others the things in our life that are meaningful. We are…
Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer
After several minutes of crying and screaming, my two-year-old son asked, “Daddy, will you help me get my shoes on?” I gladly knelt down and helped him. He had been struggling and frustrated because he couldn’t do it, yet in his desire to be self-sufficient he didn’t want to ask for help. I was there the…