Ministry is difficult. And when I say ministry, I don’t just mean vocational ministry, although that’s included. If you are a believer, you have a ministry. You have people in your life who have been placed there by God for you to love and serve. Paul takes the last six verses of Colossians 1 to…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/20
From the blog this week: ‘The Ten Commandments’- A Book Review How to Worship God in Vain “You can say things. You can go to worship services. You can raise your hands, but you cannot hallow his name because your heart is in another place. ‘Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’…
‘The 10 Commandments’- Book Review
One of the most famous passages of scripture is found in Exodus 20:1-2: the Ten Commandments. Whether it be from the old Charlton Heston movie or battles over statues in government buildings, most people are aware of the Ten Commandments. However, while we may be familiar with the concept, we’re not as apt to see…
The Creation of the World
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapter 12 entitled, “The Creation of the World.” Definition of Creation MLJ begins by providing a definition of creation (borrowed from Berkhof). Creation is “that free act of God whereby He…in the beginning brought forth the whole visible and…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/13
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From the blog this week: What Ever Happened to Civil Debate? What is the Mark of the Beast? “Those who have ears should open their ears and heed what is being said. People are told in advance about the authority of the beast and his…
What Ever Happened to Civil Debate?
In elementary school, it was always necessary to enter the playground armed with insults and “your mama” jokes. You never knew when an argument would break out and you would need to tear down not only your opponent, but also his mama. As children, disagreements weren’t solved by listening to an opponent’s view and engaging…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/5
From the blog this week: Who is Satan? Why Staying in Your Church Longterm is Good For You “As I’ve mentioned, I have found this kind of community happens around the three-or four-year mark with people. And when we enter that phase, the reflex is to withdraw. Yet, if we do not get there and…
Who is Satan?
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapter 11 entitled, “The Devil and the Fallen Angels.” MLJ believes that many Christians “have not realized the powers that are set against them” (115). From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture warns believers about the works of Satan. There are…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/28
A collection of links from around the web: From the blog this week: Why Don’t We Pray More? Entertainment Choices and Compromise Are we allowing ourselves to be entertained by things which Christ died for? Sermons You Could Be Preaching In Your Sleep What does our sleep pattern say about what we truly believe? Supernatural…
Why Don’t We Pray More?
We know we need to pray. We know the Scripture commands us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). We know the forces of evil will do everything in their power to stop us from praying. We know all that, and yet we often find our prayer life lacking. Why? Perhaps the most common excuse…